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road line中文是什么意思

用"road line"造句"road line"怎么读"road line" in a sentence


  • 马路划线涂料


  • Road line and driving behavior mode
  • A 1 km stretch of road lined with zelkova trees and shops
  • Wide roads lined with fruit trees lead to the top of the mountain
  • The study and treatment of the unstable rock imperils of the provincial road line s
  • Up to this point we had been cruising down newell avenue , which in those days a two - lane road lined with oak trees
  • Answer 3 : according to the requirement of the urban planning department of shanghai , this queries and clarification will be added with the content of airport fast road line of hongqiao hug general plan
  • If come by subway , take line 2 ( the second ring road line ) to the fuchenmen station , take the southwest exit and walk alone fuwaidajie street toward west direction for about 3 - 5 minutes to arrive at the building
  • There are some differences in traffic capacity and function of each road line in the urban traffic network , for that reason the urban traffic network is separated into main trunks and branch trunks
    本文的主要研究内容如下: 1 .针对区域交通路网中各线路的通行能力和功能的不同,将路网分为主干线和支线。
  • This article summarized some important articles and works on the middle road line including its major viewpoints , present situation of research on it and the significance of further exploration
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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